Bunar LifT®

The book rewrites

for a hundredth time,
No pictures, just words,
and sketches of a poor man's life


Bunar Lift working on a new Track

Published 25.09.2022

The band is currently working on a new track which combines techno, with metal and Post-Rock. Currently in the mastering phase, the song should be out by the end of the month. There will be no vocals in the first version of the song.

Stjepan grows a goatee

Published 20.08.2022

Our dear band member Stjepan has decided that it is finally time to grow a goatee. As told in his last interview "it was a long time coming", and it is a life changer.


18.08.2088 - Country Party

Jankovici, Travnik

12.12.2012 - Dom Armije

Travnik, Travnik

11.12.2011 - Kalvarija

Mosunj, Vitez


Coming soon

About the band

Bunar Lift are a 2-piece band from Travnik based in Graz. Founded in winter of 2021, consist of childhood friends who grew up in dark Post War Bosnia & Herzegovina and there created their musical expression.

Standing as mixture of 80's synth music to alternative modern sound. Their unique brand of entertainment fuses a rhythm machine, analog synths and powerfull guitars with lyrics mainly focused on ordinary people in a big cruel world.

The band is comprised of Stjepan Markunovic who sings and plays keyboards with a voice in baritone scale and Matej Matinovic on guitars, rhythm machine and vocals in tenor scale.

First band release was a soundtrack for a small web series "Remnants Of The Past World" directed by Anto Markunovic. Soon after in June of 2022 band released first "Ep" called "DEMO"

Bunar Lift does not want to stay "trapped" in one genre of music, but rather wants to explore everything the music itself has to offer. As told by band members: "We want to be explorers, austronauts of the musical universe!"

"Austronauts of the musical universe"


  • Vocalist

  • Bassist

  • Keyboard

Stjepan Markunovic born in Mostar where he spent his first 10 years of life, after which he moved to Travnik.

At a young age, he started to get fascinated by black and white television, post punk, synthpop music and poetry by Ian Curtis.

His carreer as a bass player includes over hundred shows with the band HHE and as an actor dozens of theatrical performances.

Currently lives in Graz and studies courses of Audio Production.



  • Vocalist

  • Guitarist

Matej Martinovic born in Travnik where he spent his first few years of life, after which he moved to Novi Travnik.

His father introduced him to Rock Music at a young age, and he never stopped discovering new bands in the genre. Got his first guitar at 14 years of age.

Throughout his guitar carreer, he played in various Rock and Metal bands. His guitar playing is mostly influenced by: Pink Floyd, Metallica, Amorphis and Enigma.

Currently lives in Graz where he works and learns programming.

"Radio crackles all around White noise all the time, Buzzing sound is
sound of the night"